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20 Days of Haiku

25 July 2016


Haiku is a form of poetry that appeals to me in significant and growing ways: they are the right size for an impatient poet (at least that’s a good way to fool me into picking up a pen … I can spend a good long time working on the shortest poems); they have strict formal requirements (but see below) within which the writer has complete freedom; they align with my current professional goal of saying meaningful things very efficiently and in a very small space so that my conversation partners feel entirely unconstrained in their own communication.

While haiku don’t have to follow any rules to be good, and there’s no consensus on how to translate ancient rules of haiku into English, I decided to follow a strict, traditional, western syllable limit for the poems, that is 5-7-5.

These are the best of a recent prolific period, in three groups: ‘Time’, ‘Recursive Haiku’ and ‘Haiku Divina’.